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tilta bmpcc 6k pro camera cage intro

New Tactical Camera Cage for BMPCC 6K Pro

Blackmagic Camera Cage

The first Tilta camera cage for BMPCC 4K/6K introduced advancements like the 90 degree HDMI port, SSD holder, interchangeable parts with other cameras, and much more. The next generation Tilta camera cage for the BMPCC 6K Pro aims to take that even further with numerous improvements. In this introduction, we will outline some of the key features of the new BMPCC 6K Pro product line.

Built-in ARRI compatible rosette mounts, built-in Arca Swiss quick release plate, compatibility with the Blackmagic battery expansion pack, and EVF extension cable/arm are just some of the new innovations for our camera cage designed specifically for Blackmagic Design’s latest camera body.

Look for updates and more information on the release date for this product line soon.

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  1. Will there be a way to have a hand strap on the right side of the? Would be amazing for handheld work if so

    Also just wondering if there’s be any way to cover the metal on the grip side of the camera in rubber? Shooting in the cold with the 4k cage was painful 😅

  2. Are there any updates on the release date? It’s been a week, I desperately need this tilta cage for my pro

  3. I’m really trying to hold out for this cage but it’s taking a while to even get a release date. Trying to not buy another cage from another brand but my 6k pro is basically unusable without one. Please give us an update

    1. 2nd this^^^ – Every time I come here to check to see if a date has been released and see it hasn’t, I’m like well maybe I’ll get a SmallRig cage instead.

    2. Tilta said it would be this week. Let’s see if it gets released tomorrow. While I imagine the cage will be released within the next two weeks, I think it’s time to consider the other guys who put their cages out in a timely manner. A great cage is useless for early camera adopters if it takes this long to come out. Go with what is available if you need to start shooting.

      1. Which alternatives are available on the market? I would like to start shooting. It is over 2 months since I bought the equipment and it remains idle

  4. I agree with you, I hate the design of the small rig’s cage, but if I can’t get some type of update i’m going to have to go with that one.

  5. Just spoke with Tilta, the 6k Pro cage will be available for presale by end of THIS week, and will begin shipping 2 weeks after presale. Expect an announcement on their social media page as well as an email if you are a registered user on this site.

    **See Tilta, that wasn’t so hard.

    1. Funny , 3th of june they told you that its after 2 weeks ..
      well did you receive it ? 😀

      1. Mine says “processing” still… Ordered on the 4th of June.

  6. its been a month since its release and purchase and still no cage, Tilta what’s going on??? we need answers

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Posted in Blackmagic, Camera Cage