Tilta European official website s go live! Providing you with a localized shopping experience.
About Points
1, Points transfer:
If you are a TILTA user in Europe and have registered on tilta.com before January 18, 2025 and have earned Points, we will keep the balance of the Points in your account and transfer it to the European websites(tilta.uk), where you will be able to continue to use it for your purchases on the European websites.
If you find that your points have not been successfully transferred to the European websites (tilta.uk) please contact us at info@tilta.com.
2, New account registration:
After January 18, 2025, we will no longer synchronize the points data on tilta.com. Our three websites tilta.com, tilta.uk points will be officially separated from each other. You can register as a user directly on the official European websites (tilta.uk) and new registrations will receive 200 points!
3, Points use
100 points = 1 GBP, you can directly deduct the amount of your purchase when you checkout!