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Support Hydra Arm Mini Product Manual

Hydra Arm Mini Parameter Settings & Various Functions Last modified 10/18/24

Use this table to have a quick reference for functionality on the Hydra Arm Mini. A PDF version is available for printing or read more below.

Button Name Function Operation Process
Frontal Horizontal Setting Button Adjust the Mini Arm to be horizontally aligned to the front direction Set the front direction as needed
Pan Limit Setting Define the operational range of the Pan axis. First, set the left point (Point A), then set the right point (Point B). If the position limiting red line is not displayed, it means the horizontal position limiting is disabled.
Tilt Limit Setting Define the operational range of the Tilt axis First, set the high point (Point A), then set the low point (Point B). Pay attention to the low point to prevent the device from touching the ground.
Left-Right Control Setting Configure the control gesture for left and right movement During the setup, perform slow tests to prevent incorrect gesture settings that could lead to accidents.
Direction Setting Define the arm’s rotation direction, Set the Mini Arm’s direction of rotation During configuration, test slowly to avoid incorrect direction settings that might result in unintended operations.
Pro Mode and Normal Mode In Pro Mode, you can only control the arm. In Normal Mode, the gimbal can also be controlled. When in Normal Mode, first test control of the arm and then proceed to test gimbal control.
Load Setting Coming Soon
Stabilization Setting Enhances stabilization It’s turned off by default and should be activated by the user as required.
Factory Reset Revert to factory settings A password is needed to initiate the factory reset.
Joystick Calibration Press this if you notice the Mini Arm drifting. When calibrating, ensure hands are off the joystick, letting it rest in its central position.
Gyro Calibration Align the Tilt axis of the Mini Arm horizontally. If the Mini Arm appears level but the on-screen Tilt indicator is off, calibrate. Ensure the Mini Arm remains visually horizontal during the process.
Language Switch Switch between Chinese and English.
Pan UI Calibration Correct the mismatch between the Pan indicator and the Mini Arm. Hold down the record button, then select Pan UI Calibration to align the Mini Arm’s horizontal direction with the indicator.
Tilt UI Calibration Correct the mismatch between the Tilt indicator and the Mini Arm. Hold down the record button, then select Tilt UI Calibration to align the Mini Arm’s vertical direction with the indicator.
Upgrade Update the Remote’s Firmware When a new firmware is available, connect the remote to a computer using a TYPE-C cable. Transfer the firmware to the remote and power it on to initiate the upgrade.
Wheel Calibration Calibrate for Head Drift When the head axis managed by the wheel starts to drift, you can proceed with the wheel calibration.
EZ Mode Connect to Heads

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